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...(Purpose)  Article 1  This Act provides for taxpayers subject to income taxes, the scope of taxable income, the way of calculating the amount of income taxes, and the procedures for filing income tax returns, making income tax payments, and issuing income tax refunds, as well as ...


...(源泉徴収に係る所得税の納税地) 第十七条  第二十八条第一項(給与所得)に規定する給与等の支払をする者その他第四編第一章から第六章まで(源泉徴収)に規定する支払をする者のその支払につき源泉徴収をすべき所得税の納税地は、その者の事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものでそ...

...(Locality for Paying Over Withholding Tax)  Article 17  The locality in which a person paying a salary or other wage as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (1) (Salary Income), or a person making any other payment as prescribed in Part IV, Chapter I through Chapter VI (Withholdin...


(予定納税額の納付) 第百四条  居住者(第百七条第一項(特別農業所得...算した額とする。)二  前年分の課税総所得金額の計算の基礎となつた各種所得につき源泉徴収をされた又はされるべきであつた所得税の額(当該各種所得のうちに一時所得、雑所得又は雑所得に該...

...(Making Tax Prepayments)  Article 104  (1)If the amount arrived at when the amount set forth in item (ii) is deducted from the amount set forth in item (i) (hereinafter referred to as the "tax prepayment calculation base" in this Chapter) is 150,000 yen or more, a Resident (other...


(予定納税額の減額の承認の申請) 第百十一条  第百四条第一項(予定納...)の規定に準じて計算した所得税の額から、当該課税総所得金額の見積額の計算の基礎となつた各種所得につき源泉徴収をされる所得税の額の見積額を控除した金額として政令で定めるところにより計算した金額をいう。...

...(Applying for Approval for a Reduction of Tax Prepayments)  Article 111  (1)If the estimated tax due on filing that is based on a Resident's circumstances as of June 30 of a given year is expected to be less than the tax prepayment calculation base, a Resident that is required to...



...(Special Provisions on Measures to Collect Arrears of Tax Prepayments)  Article 117  Even if a Tax Prepayment (including a tax on delinquency levied against a Tax Prepayment) becomes subject to measures to collect arrears, the property of the taxpayer is not subject to a realizat...


(確定所得申告) 第百二十条  居住者は、その年分の総所得金額、退職所...sp;第一号に掲げる総所得金額若しくは退職所得金額又は純損失の金額の計算の基礎となつた各種所得につき源泉徴収をされた又はされるべき所得税の額(当該所得税の額のうちに、第百二十七条第一項から第三項まで(...

...(Filing an Income Tax Return)  Article 120  (1)If the sum total of a Resident's gross income, retirement income, and timber income for the year exceeds the sum of any casualty loss deduction under Chapter II, Section 4 (Deductions from Income) and other deductions; and if the sum...



...(Filing a Return to Receive a Refund)  Article 122  (1)If an amount set forth in Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iv), item (vi), or item (viii) (Filing Income Tax Returns) arises in connection with a Resident's income tax for the year, the Resident may file a return with the di...


(確定申告による納付) 第百二十八条  第百二十条第一項(確定所得申告...。)を提出した居住者は、当該申告書に記載した第百二十条第一項第三号に掲げる金額(同項第五号に規定する源泉徴収税額があり、かつ、同項第七号に規定する予納税額がない場合には、同項第五号に掲げる金額とし、同...

...(Payment upon Filing)  Article 128  If a return as under Article 120, paragraph (1) (Filing Income Tax Returns) (other than a return required to be filed in circumstances falling under the provisions of Article 124, paragraph (1) (Filing a Tax Return If the Person Required to Fil...


...(源泉徴収税額等の還付) 第百三十八条  確定申告書の提出があつた場合において、当該申告書に第百二十条第一項第四号若しくは第六号(源泉徴収税額等の控除不足額)又は第百二十三条第二項第六号若しくは第七号(源泉徴収税額等)に掲げる金額の記載があるときは、税務署長は、当該申告...

...(Refunding Tax Withheld)  Article 138  (1)If a Tax Return is filed which indicates any of the amounts set forth in Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iv) or item (vi) (Shortfall in Credit for Tax Withheld) or Article 123, paragraph (2), item (vi) or item (vii) (Amount of Taxes Wit...



...(Filing of Returns, Payment of Taxes, and Issuance of Refunds)  Article 166  The provisions of Part II, Chapter V (Filing of Returns, Payment of Taxes, and Issuance of Refunds for Residents) apply mutatis mutandis to the filing of a return, payment of taxes, and issuance of refun...



...(Issuance of a Refund Due to Elective Treatment for Taxation of Retirement Income)  Article 173  (1)If a Nonresident prescribed in Article 169 (Tax Base) is subject to Part IV, Chapter V (Withholding from the Income of Nonresidents and Corporations), as regards severance pay or o...


...(源泉徴収義務) 第百八十一条  省略2配当等(投資信託(公社債投資信託及び公募公社債等運用投資信託を除く。)又は特定受益証券発行信託の収益の分配を除く。)については、支払の確定した日から一年を経過した日までにその支払がされない場合には、その一年を経過した日においてその...

...(Obligation to Withhold Taxes)  Article 181  (1)Omitted(2)If dividends and similar income (other than a distribution of proceeds from an Investment Trust (other than a Bond Investment Trust or Bond-Based Investment Trust Under Public Offering) or a Specified Trust That Issues Ben...


...(源泉徴収義務) 第百八十三条  省略2法人の法人税法第二条第十五号(定義)に規定する役員に対する賞与については、支払の確定した日から一年を経過した日までにその支払がされない場合には、その一年を経過した日においてその支払があつたものとみなして、前項の規定を適用する。...

...(Obligation to Withhold Taxes)  Article 183  (1)Omitted(2)If a bonus given to a corporation's officers as prescribed in Article 2, item (xv) (Definitions) of the Corporation Tax Act is not paid by the day that marks one year's time since the date on which the decision to pay the ...


...(源泉徴収義務) 第二百十二条  非居住者に対し国内において第百六十一条第一号の二から第十二号まで(国内源泉所得)に掲げる国内源泉所得(その非居住者が第百六十四条第一項第四号(国内に恒久的施設を有しない非居住者)に掲げる者である場合には第百六十一条第一号の三から第十二号...

...(Obligation to Withhold Taxes)  Article 212  (1)A person paying a Nonresident, in Japan, domestic source income as set forth in Article 161, item (i)-2 through (xii) (if the Nonresident falls under the category set forth in Article 164, paragraph (1), item (iv) (Nonresidents With...


...(源泉徴収を要しない非居住者の国内源泉所得) 第二百十四条  次の各号に掲げる者で政令で定める要件を備えているもののうち当該各号に定める国内源泉所得の支払を受けるものが、政令で定めるところにより、当該支払を受けるものが当該要件を備えていること及びその支払を受けることとな...

...(Domestic Source Income of Nonresidents Which Is Exempt from Withholding)  Article 214  (1)Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 212, paragraph (1) (Obligation to Withhold Taxes), if a person as set forth in one of the following items who satisfies the requirements prescribed...


...(源泉徴収票) 第二百二十六条  居住者に対し国内において第二十八条第一項(給与所得)に規定する給与等(第百八十四条(源泉徴収を要しない給与等の支払者)の規定によりその所得税を徴収して納付することを要しないものとされる給与等を除く。以下この章において「給与等」という。)...

...(Withholding Receipts)  Article 226  (1)A person paying, in Japan, a salary or other wage as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (1) (Salary Income) (other than a salary or other wage from which income taxes are not required to be withheld and paid over pursuant to the provisions...


...(源泉徴収を要しない非居住者の受ける国内源泉所得に係る公示の方法等) 第七十七条の五  法第二百十四条第五項(源泉徴収を要しない非居住者の受ける国内源泉所得)の規定による公示は、次項各号に掲げる事項を官報に掲載して行うものとする。2法第二百十四条第五項に規定する財務省令...

...(Method of Public Notice, etc. for Domestic Source Income Received by Nonresidents that Is Exempt from Withholding)  Article 77-5  (1)Public notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 214, paragraph (5) (Domestic Source Income Received by Nonresidents that Is Exempt from Withho...


...(源泉徴収を要しない国内源泉所得) 第三百二十八条  法第二百十二条第一項(非居住者又は法人の所得に係る源泉徴収義務)に規定する政令で定める国内源泉所得は、次に掲げる国内源泉所得とする。一  映画若しくは演劇の俳優、音楽家その他の芸能人又は職業運動家...

...(Domestic Source Income Exempt from Withholding)  Article 328  The domestic source income specified by Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 212, paragraph (1) (Withholding Obligation for the Income of Nonresidents or Corporations) of the Act is to be any of the following types of ...


...(非居住者が源泉徴収の免除を受けるための手続等) 第三百三十一条  法第二百十四条第一項(源泉徴収を要しない非居住者の国内源泉所得)の証明書の交付を受けようとする者は、次に掲げる事項を記載した申請書を納税地の所轄税務署長に提出しなければならない。一  ...

...(Procedures Required When a Nonresident Seeks an Exemption from Withholding)  Article 331  (1)A person who wishes to obtain a certificate set forth in Article 214, paragraph (1) (Domestic Source Income of Nonresidents Exempt from Withholding) of the Act must submit a written appl...


...(源泉徴収を免除されない非居住者の国内源泉所得) 第三百三十二条  法第二百十四条第一項第一号(源泉徴収を要しない非居住者の国内源泉所得)に規定する政令で定める国内源泉所得は、次に掲げる国内源泉所得とする。一  法第百六十一条第七号(国内源泉所得)に...

...(Domestic Source Income of Nonresidents Not Exempt from Withholding)  Article 332  The domestic source income specified by Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 214, paragraph (1), item (i) (Domestic Source Income of Nonresidents Exempt from Withholding) of the Act is to be the fol...


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