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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 所得税法施行令 | 平成二十年政令第百五十五号 改正

第二百八十四条  法第百六十一条第七号ハに規定する政令で定める用具は、車両、運搬具、工具、器具及び備品とする。

Royalties Pertaining to Domestic Operations
Article 284  The tools specified by Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 161, item (vii), (c) (Domestic Source Income) of the Act are to be vehicles, carriers, industrial tools, apparatuses and equipment.


With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 161, item (vii) of the Act, royalties for the assets prescribed in (b) or (c) of the same item which are used in a vessel or aircraft used for the operations by a resident or a domestic corporation are treated as royalties falling under the provisions of the same item, and royalties for those assets which are used in a vessel or aircraft used for the operations by a nonresident or a foreign corporation are treated as royalties other than that falling under the provisions of the same item.