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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 会社法 | 平成二十六年法律第九十号 改正

第二十三条   譲受会社が譲渡会社の商号を引き続き使用しない場合においても、譲渡会社の事業によって生じた債務を引き受ける旨の広告をしたときは、譲渡会社の債権者は、その譲受会社に対して弁済の請求をすることができる。

Assumption of Obligations by Transferee Company
Article 23   Even in cases where a Transferee Company does not continue to use the trade name of the Transferor Company, if it advertises to the effect that it will assume the obligations that have arisen from the business of the Transferor Company, the obligees of the Transferor Company may demand the performance against the Transferee Company.


In cases where the Transferee Company is liable for the performance of the obligations of the Transferor Company pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the liability of the Transferor Company is extinguished upon lapse of two years after the day of the advertisement under that paragraph vis-a-vis any obligee who does not demand the performance, or does not give an advance notice of the demand, within that period.