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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 法人税法 | 平成二十年法律第二十三号 改正

第五十四条  内国法人が、個人から役務の提供を受ける場合において、当該役務の提供に係る費用の額につきその対価として新株予約権(当該役務の提供の対価として当該個人に生ずる債権を当該新株予約権と引換えにする払込みに代えて相殺すべきものに限る。)を発行したとき(合併、分割、株式交換又は株式移転(以下この項において「合併等」という。)に際し当該合併等に係る合併法人、分割承継法人、株式交換完全親法人又は株式移転完全親法人(次項において「合併法人等」という。)である内国法人が当該合併等に係る被合併法人、分割法人、株式交換完全子法人又は株式移転完全子法人の当該新株予約権を有する者に対し自己の新株予約権(次項及び第三項において「承継新株予約権」という。)を交付したときを含む。)は、当該個人において当該役務の提供につき所得税法その他所得税に関する法令の規定により当該個人の同法に規定する給与所得その他の政令で定める所得の金額に係る収入金額とすべき金額又は総収入金額に算入すべき金額を生ずべき事由(次項において「給与等課税事由」という。)が生じた日において当該役務の提供を受けたものとして、この法律の規定を適用する。

Special Provisions on the Business Year for Vesting Expenses in Exchange for Share Options
Article 54  In the case where a domestic corporation receives the provision of services from an individual and has issued, as the consideration for the expenses for providing the services, share options (limited to share options that offset the claims arising on the individual as the consideration for providing the services, in lieu of the payment in exchange for the share options) (including the case where a domestic corporation that is an acquiring corporation, succeeding corporation in a company split, wholly owning parent corporation in a share exchange, or wholly owning parent corporation in a share transfer (referred to as a "acquiring corporation, etc." in the following paragraph) involved in a merger, company split, share exchange, or share transfer (hereinafter referred to as a "merger, etc." in this paragraph) has delivered its own share options (referred to as "succeeding share options" in the following paragraph and paragraph (3)) to a person who holds the share options of the acquired corporation, splitting corporation, wholly owned subsidiary corporation in the share exchange, or wholly owned subsidiary corporation in the share transfer involved in the merger, etc.), the provisions of this Act apply by deeming that the domestic corporation had received the provision of the services as of the day on which the grounds occurred for the emergence of the amount to be included in the individual's gross revenue or revenue from employment income as prescribed in the Income Tax Act or other income prescribed in other laws and regulations on income tax, with regard to the provision of the services, pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act and other laws and regulations on income tax (such grounds are referred to as "grounds for taxation on earnings, etc." in the following paragraph).


In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when no grounds for taxation on earnings, etc. occur with regard to an individual for the provision of the services set forth in the paragraph, the amount of expenses for the provision of the services incurred by a domestic corporation that has issued share options set forth in the paragraph (including a domestic corporation that is an acquiring corporation, etc. having delivered succeeding share options; hereinafter referred to as an "issuing corporation" in this Article) is excluded from deductible expenses, when calculating the amount of income of the issuing corporation for each business year.


In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when share options (including succeeding share options) set forth in paragraph (1) have become extinct, the amount of gain on the extinction is excluded from gross profits, when calculating the amount of income of the issuing corporation for each business year.


The issuing corporation must attach to a tax return a detailed statement concerning the value of the share options per share at the time of issuance, the number of the issued share options, the number of the share options exercised in the business year, and other circumstances which affect the share options.


In the case where a domestic corporation issues share options and where the amount of monies to be paid in exchange for the share options (including the value of assets other than monies to be delivered in lieu of the payment of monies and the amount of claims to be offset; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) does not reach the value of the share options at the time of issuance (including the case where the domestic corporation has issued the share options without compensation) or where the amount of monies to be paid in exchange for the share options exceeds the value of the share options at the time of issuance, the amount equivalent to the shortfall (in the case where the domestic corporation has issued the share options without compensation, the value of the share options at the time of issuance) or the amount equivalent to the excess is excluded from deductible expenses or gross profits, when calculating the amount of income of the domestic corporation for each business year.


Beyond what is provided for in paragraph (4), necessary matters concerning the application of the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (3) or the preceding paragraph are specified by Cabinet Order.