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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 法人税法 | 平成二十年法律第二十三号 改正

第六十一条の八  内国法人が外貨建取引(外国通貨で支払が行われる資産の販売及び購入、役務の提供、金銭の貸付け及び借入れ、剰余金の配当その他の取引をいう。以下この目において同じ。)を行つた場合には、当該外貨建取引の金額の円換算額(外国通貨で表示された金額を本邦通貨表示の金額に換算した金額をいう。以下この目において同じ。)は、当該外貨建取引を行つた時における外国為替の売買相場により換算した金額とする。

Conversion of Transactions in a Foreign Currency
Article 61-8  In the case where a domestic corporation has conducted transactions in a foreign currency (meaning the buying and selling of assets, provision of services, lending and borrowing of monies, payments of dividend of surplus or other transactions whose payment is made in a foreign currency; hereinafter the same applies in this Division), the amount in Japanese yen (meaning the amount of that foreign currency converted into Japanese yen; hereinafter the same applies in this Division) of the transactions in a foreign currency is to be the amount converted at the foreign exchange rate as of the time when the transactions in a foreign currency were conducted.


In the case where a domestic corporation has determined the amount in Japanese yen of the assets or liabilities that have been acquired or have arisen from transactions in a foreign currency (excluding the acquisition and transfer of commodities for short-term trading as prescribed in Article 61, paragraph (1) (Inclusion in Gross Profits or Deductible Expenses of Capital Gains or Losses and Gains or Losses on the Fair Valuation of Commodities for Short-Term Trading) or securities for buying and selling as prescribed in Article 61-3, paragraph (1), item (i) (Inclusion of Valuation Gains or Losses on Securities for Buying and Selling in Gross Profits or Deductible Expenses); the same applies in the following paragraph) under a foreign exchange futures contract, etc. (meaning a contract as specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance to be a contract which determines the amount in Japanese yen of the assets or liabilities to be acquired or which will arise from transactions in a foreign currency; hereinafter the same applies in this Division), when the domestic corporation stated, in books and documents, to the effect, as specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, as of the day on which the foreign exchange futures contract, etc. was concluded, the amount in Japanese yen of the assets or liabilities is to be the amount converted pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


In the case where a domestic corporation has received, as a result of a qualified organizational restructuring, the transfer of a foreign exchange futures contract, etc. from an acquired corporation, etc. so as to determine the amount in Japanese yen of the assets or liabilities to be acquired from the acquired corporation, etc. or which will arise from transactions in a foreign currency, and has come to conduct the transactions in a foreign currency (limited to transactions causing the acquisition or occurrence of the assets or liabilities whose amount in Japanese yen is to be determined under the foreign exchange futures contract) as a result of the qualified organizational restructuring, when the acquired corporation, etc. stated, in books and documents, to the effect prescribed in the preceding paragraph, regarding the foreign exchange futures contract, etc., as specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as prescribed in the paragraph, as of the day on which the contract, etc. was concluded, with regard to the application of the provisions of this Article in each business year after the business year containing the date of the qualified organizational restructuring, it is deemed that the domestic corporation has concluded the foreign exchange futures contract, etc. and has made the entry so as to determine the amount in Japanese yen of the assets or liabilities.


Necessary matters concerning the application of the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs are specified by Cabinet Order.