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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 法人税法 | 平成二十年法律第二十三号 改正

第六十四条の二  内国法人がリース取引を行つた場合には、そのリース取引の目的となる資産(以下この項において「リース資産」という。)の賃貸人から賃借人への引渡しの時に当該リース資産の売買があつたものとして、当該賃貸人又は賃借人である内国法人の各事業年度の所得の金額を計算する。

Calculation of the Amount of Income Related to Lease Transactions
Article 64-2  In the case where a domestic corporation has conducted lease transactions, the amount of income for each business year of the domestic corporation that is the lessor or lessee of the assets, which are the object of the lease transactions (hereinafter referred to as "lease assets" in this paragraph), is calculated, by deeming that the lease assets were traded at the time of their delivery from the lessor to the lessee.一  当該賃貸借に係る契約が、賃貸借期間の中途においてその解除をすることができないものであること又はこれに準ずるものであること。(i)  that the contract for the lease cannot be canceled in the middle of the lease period or the contract is equivalent to such contract; and二  当該賃貸借に係る賃借人が当該賃貸借に係る資産からもたらされる経済的な利益を実質的に享受することができ、かつ、当該資産の使用に伴つて生ずる費用を実質的に負担すべきこととされているものであること。(ii)  that the lessee of the lease may receive substantial economic benefits from the assets related to the lease and is expected to bear substantial expenses caused by the use of the assets.


In the case where a domestic corporation has traded assets under the conditions of a lease from a transferee to a transferor (limited to a lease falling under the category of lease transactions), when it is deemed that such a chain of transactions substantially cover the borrowing and lending of monies, in light of the type of assets, developments leading to the trade and lease, and any other circumstances, the amount of income for each business year of the domestic corporation that is the transferee or transferor is calculated, by deeming that the assets were not traded but monies was lent from the transferee to the transferor.一  当該賃貸借に係る契約が、賃貸借期間の中途においてその解除をすることができないものであること又はこれに準ずるものであること。(i)  that the contract for the lease cannot be canceled in the middle of the lease period or the contract is equivalent to such contract; and二  当該賃貸借に係る賃借人が当該賃貸借に係る資産からもたらされる経済的な利益を実質的に享受することができ、かつ、当該資産の使用に伴つて生ずる費用を実質的に負担すべきこととされているものであること。(ii)  that the lessee of the lease may receive substantial economic benefits from the assets related to the lease and is expected to bear substantial expenses caused by the use of the assets.


Lease transactions as prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs mean the lease of assets (excluding the lease of land of which the ownership is not transferred and any other lease specified by Cabinet Order) that meets the requirements listed as follows:一  当該賃貸借に係る契約が、賃貸借期間の中途においてその解除をすることができないものであること又はこれに準ずるものであること。(i)  that the contract for the lease cannot be canceled in the middle of the lease period or the contract is equivalent to such contract; and二  当該賃貸借に係る賃借人が当該賃貸借に係る資産からもたらされる経済的な利益を実質的に享受することができ、かつ、当該資産の使用に伴つて生ずる費用を実質的に負担すべきこととされているものであること。(ii)  that the lessee of the lease may receive substantial economic benefits from the assets related to the lease and is expected to bear substantial expenses caused by the use of the assets.


Matters necessary for the determination as to whether a domestic corporation is to bear the substantial expenses caused by the use of the assets set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, and any other necessary matters concerning the application of the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs are specified by Cabinet Order.一  当該賃貸借に係る契約が、賃貸借期間の中途においてその解除をすることができないものであること又はこれに準ずるものであること。(i)  that the contract for the lease cannot be canceled in the middle of the lease period or the contract is equivalent to such contract; and二  当該賃貸借に係る賃借人が当該賃貸借に係る資産からもたらされる経済的な利益を実質的に享受することができ、かつ、当該資産の使用に伴つて生ずる費用を実質的に負担すべきこととされているものであること。(ii)  that the lessee of the lease may receive substantial economic benefits from the assets related to the lease and is expected to bear substantial expenses caused by the use of the assets.