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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 法人税法 | 平成二十年法律第二十三号 改正

第百三十二条  税務署長は、次に掲げる法人に係る法人税につき更正又は決定をする場合において、その法人の行為又は計算で、これを容認した場合には法人税の負担を不当に減少させる結果となると認められるものがあるときは、その行為又は計算にかかわらず、税務署長の認めるところにより、その法人に係る法人税の課税標準若しくは欠損金額又は法人税の額を計算することができる。

Rejection of Acts or Calculations by Family Companies
Article 132  In the case where the district director of the tax office makes a reassessment or determination with regard to corporation tax related to a corporation listed as follows, when it is found that any acts conducted or calculations made by the corporation would, if allowed, unreasonably reduce the burden of corporation tax, they may calculate the tax base of corporation tax related to the corporation, the net operating loss , or the amount of corporation tax, based on their own recognition, notwithstanding the acts or calculations:一  内国法人である同族会社(i)  a family company that is a domestic corporation; or二  イからハまでのいずれにも該当する内国法人イ 三以上の支店、工場その他の事業所を有すること。ロ その事業所の二分の一以上に当たる事業所につき、その事業所の所長、主任その他のその事業所に係る事業の主宰者又は当該主宰者の親族その他の当該主宰者と政令で定める特殊の関係のある個人(以下この号において「所長等」という。)が前に当該事業所において個人として事業を営んでいた事実があること。ハ ロに規定する事実がある事業所の所長等の有するその内国法人の株式又は出資の数又は金額の合計額がその内国法人の発行済株式又は出資(その内国法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の三分の二以上に相当すること。(ii)  a domestic corporation falling under all of (a) through (c) below:(a)  The domestic corporation has three or more branch offices, factories, or any other places of business(b)  Where, with regard to half or more of its places of business, the director or the chief officer of the places of business, any other presiding official of a business related to the places of business, a relative of the presiding official or any other individual who has a special relationship as specified by Cabinet Order with the presiding official (hereinafter referred to as the "director, etc." in this item) formerly conducted a business at the places of business as an individual(c)  The sum of the number or the amount of shares of or capital contributions to the domestic corporation held by the director, etc. of a place of business, for which the fact prescribed in (b) exists, corresponds to two-thirds or more of the total number or the total amount of the domestic corporation's issued shares or capital contributions (excluding the shares that the corporation holds in itself and the capital contributions made thereby).


In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the determination as to whether a domestic corporation falls under the category of corporations listed in the items of the paragraph is to be based on the circumstances as of the time when the acts or calculation prescribed in the paragraph were actually conducted or made.一  内国法人である同族会社(i)  a family company that is a domestic corporation; or二  イからハまでのいずれにも該当する内国法人イ 三以上の支店、工場その他の事業所を有すること。ロ その事業所の二分の一以上に当たる事業所につき、その事業所の所長、主任その他のその事業所に係る事業の主宰者又は当該主宰者の親族その他の当該主宰者と政令で定める特殊の関係のある個人(以下この号において「所長等」という。)が前に当該事業所において個人として事業を営んでいた事実があること。ハ ロに規定する事実がある事業所の所長等の有するその内国法人の株式又は出資の数又は金額の合計額がその内国法人の発行済株式又は出資(その内国法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の三分の二以上に相当すること。(ii)  a domestic corporation falling under all of (a) through (c) below:(a)  The domestic corporation has three or more branch offices, factories, or any other places of business(b)  Where, with regard to half or more of its places of business, the director or the chief officer of the places of business, any other presiding official of a business related to the places of business, a relative of the presiding official or any other individual who has a special relationship as specified by Cabinet Order with the presiding official (hereinafter referred to as the "director, etc." in this item) formerly conducted a business at the places of business as an individual(c)  The sum of the number or the amount of shares of or capital contributions to the domestic corporation held by the director, etc. of a place of business, for which the fact prescribed in (b) exists, corresponds to two-thirds or more of the total number or the total amount of the domestic corporation's issued shares or capital contributions (excluding the shares that the corporation holds in itself and the capital contributions made thereby).


The provisions of paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to the case where a reassessment or determination as prescribed in the paragraph is made and when the provisions of Article 157, paragraph (1) (Denial of Acts or Calculation by Family Companies) of the Income Tax Act, Article 64, paragraph (1) (Denial of Acts or Calculation by Family Companies) of the Inheritance Tax Act, or Article 32, paragraph (1) (Denial of Acts or Calculation by Family Companies) of the Land Value Tax Act were applied to the acts conducted or calculation made by a corporation listed in the items of paragraph (1).一  内国法人である同族会社(i)  a family company that is a domestic corporation; or二  イからハまでのいずれにも該当する内国法人イ 三以上の支店、工場その他の事業所を有すること。ロ その事業所の二分の一以上に当たる事業所につき、その事業所の所長、主任その他のその事業所に係る事業の主宰者又は当該主宰者の親族その他の当該主宰者と政令で定める特殊の関係のある個人(以下この号において「所長等」という。)が前に当該事業所において個人として事業を営んでいた事実があること。ハ ロに規定する事実がある事業所の所長等の有するその内国法人の株式又は出資の数又は金額の合計額がその内国法人の発行済株式又は出資(その内国法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の三分の二以上に相当すること。(ii)  a domestic corporation falling under all of (a) through (c) below:(a)  The domestic corporation has three or more branch offices, factories, or any other places of business(b)  Where, with regard to half or more of its places of business, the director or the chief officer of the places of business, any other presiding official of a business related to the places of business, a relative of the presiding official or any other individual who has a special relationship as specified by Cabinet Order with the presiding official (hereinafter referred to as the "director, etc." in this item) formerly conducted a business at the places of business as an individual(c)  The sum of the number or the amount of shares of or capital contributions to the domestic corporation held by the director, etc. of a place of business, for which the fact prescribed in (b) exists, corresponds to two-thirds or more of the total number or the total amount of the domestic corporation's issued shares or capital contributions (excluding the shares that the corporation holds in itself and the capital contributions made thereby).