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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 所得税法 | 平成二十一年法律第十三号 改正

第二百二十六条  居住者に対し国内において第二十八条第一項(給与所得)に規定する給与等(第百八十四条(源泉徴収を要しない給与等の支払者)の規定によりその所得税を徴収して納付することを要しないものとされる給与等を除く。以下この章において「給与等」という。)の支払をする者は、財務省令で定めるところにより、その年において支払の確定した給与等について、その給与等の支払を受ける者の各人別に源泉徴収票二通を作成し、その年の翌年一月三十一日まで(年の中途において退職した居住者については、その退職の日以後一月以内)に、一通を税務署長に提出し、他の一通を給与等の支払を受ける者に交付しなければならない。ただし、財務省令で定めるところにより当該税務署長の承認を受けた場合は、この限りでない。

(Withholding Receipts)
Article 226  A person paying, in Japan, a salary or other wage as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (1) (Salary Income) (other than a salary or other wage from which income taxes are not required to be withheld and paid over pursuant to the provisions of Article 184 (Person Paying a Salary or Other Wages Exempt from Withholding at the Source); hereinafter referred to as a "salary or other wage" in this Chapter) to a Resident, must prepare two copies of the withholding receipt, pursuant Ministry of Finance Order, for the salary or other wage that it has been decided will be paid in that year, for each person being paid a salary or other wage; and must submit one copy to the district tax office director and issue the other to the person being paid the salary or other wage by January 31 of the following year (or within one month of separation from employment, if a Resident becomes separated from employment partway through the year);provided, however, that this does not apply if the person receives the approval of the district tax office director pursuant to Ministry of Finance Order.


A person paying, in Japan, severance pay or other such compensation as prescribed in Article 30, paragraph (1) (Retirement Income) (other than severance pay or other such compensation from which income taxes are not required to be withheld and paid over pursuant to the provisions of Article 200 (Person Paying Severance Pay or Other Such Compensation Exempt from Withholding at the Source); hereinafter referred to as "severance pay or other such compensation" in this Chapter) to a Resident, must prepare two copies of the withholding receipt, pursuant to Ministry of Finance Order, for the severance pay or other such compensation that it has been decided will be paid that year, for each person being paid the severance pay or other such compensation, and must submit one copy to the district tax office director and issue the other to the person being paid the severance pay or other such compensation, within one month of the day of the Resident's separation from employment. The proviso to the preceding paragraph applies mutatis mutandis in such a case.


A person paying, in Japan, a public pension or retirement package as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (3) (Definition of Public Pensions and Retirement Packages) (hereinafter referred to as a "public pension or retirement package" in this Chapter) to a Resident, must prepare two copies of the withholding receipt, pursuant to Ministry of Finance Order, for the public pension or retirement package that it has been decided will be paid in that year, for each person being paid a public pension or retirement package, and must submit one copy to the district tax office director and issue the other to the person being paid the public pension or retirement package by January 31 of the following year. The proviso to paragraph (1) applies mutatis mutandis in such a case.


In lieu of issuing a withholding receipt under the preceding three paragraphs, a person paying a salary or other wage as referred to in paragraph (1), severance pay or other such compensation as referred to in paragraph (2), or a public pension or retirement package as referred to in the preceding paragraph may provide a person with the information that is required to be given in the withholding receipt by electronic or magnetic means, with the consent of the person being paid the salary or other wage, severance pay or other such compensation, or public pension or retirement package and pursuant to Cabinet Order;provided, however, that at the request of the person being paid, the person must issue a withholding receipt thereto.


In a case as referred to in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, the person paying the salary or other wage, severance pay or other such compensation, or public pension or retirement package referred to in that paragraph is deemed to have issued a withholding receipt as referred to in paragraphs (1) through (3).