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日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム - [法令本文表示] - 所得税法施行規則 | 平成二十一年財務省令第十七号 改正

第七十七条の五  法第二百十四条第五項(源泉徴収を要しない非居住者の受ける国内源泉所得)の規定による公示は、次項各号に掲げる事項を官報に掲載して行うものとする。

(Method of Public Notice, etc. for Domestic Source Income Received by Nonresidents that Is Exempt from Withholding)
Article 77-5  Public notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 214, paragraph (5) (Domestic Source Income Received by Nonresidents that Is Exempt from Withholding) of the Act is to be given by publishing matters listed in the items of the following paragraph in the Official Gazette.一  法第二百十四条第五項に規定する届出をした者又は通知を受けた者の氏名(i)  the name of the person who made a notification or received a notice as prescribed in Article 214, paragraph (5) of the Act;二  前号に規定する者の令第三百三十一条第一項第二号(非居住者が源泉徴収の免除を受けるための手続等)に規定する国内にある事務所等の名称及び所在地並びにその代表者その他の責任者の氏名(ii)  the name and location of the office, etc. of the person prescribed in the preceding item that is located in Japan and that is prescribed in Article 331, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Procedures Required When a Nonresident Seeks an Exemption from Withholding) of the Order and the names of the representative and any other responsible persons thereof;三  法第二百十四条第六項第一号の有効期限(iii)  the validity period set forth in Article 214, paragraph (6), item (i) of the Act.


The matters specified by Ministry of Finance Order as prescribed in Article 214, paragraph (5) of the Act are as follows:一  法第二百十四条第五項に規定する届出をした者又は通知を受けた者の氏名(i)  the name of the person who made a notification or received a notice as prescribed in Article 214, paragraph (5) of the Act;二  前号に規定する者の令第三百三十一条第一項第二号(非居住者が源泉徴収の免除を受けるための手続等)に規定する国内にある事務所等の名称及び所在地並びにその代表者その他の責任者の氏名(ii)  the name and location of the office, etc. of the person prescribed in the preceding item that is located in Japan and that is prescribed in Article 331, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Procedures Required When a Nonresident Seeks an Exemption from Withholding) of the Order and the names of the representative and any other responsible persons thereof;三  法第二百十四条第六項第一号の有効期限(iii)  the validity period set forth in Article 214, paragraph (6), item (i) of the Act.