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(定義) 第二条  この法律において、次の各号に掲げる用語の意義は、当...適正であるものとして政令で定めるもの十  同族会社会社の株主等(その会社が自己の株式又は出資を有する場合のその会社を除く。)の三人以下並びにこれらと政令で定める特殊の関係のある個人...

...(Definitions)  Article 2  In this Act, the meanings of the terms listed in the following items are as prescribed respectively in those items:(i)  in Japan:These mean in the region where this Act is enforced.(ii)  outside Japan:These mean outside the region whe...



...(Consolidated Taxpayers)  Article 4-2  Where a first domestic corporation (limited to an ordinary corporation or a cooperative, etc.; excluding the corporations listed below) and a second domestic corporation(s) (limited to ordinary corporations; excluding a corporation under liq...



...(Exclusion of Dividends Received from Gross Profits)  Article 23  (1)The portion of the following amount that a domestic corporation receives (excluding the amount listed in item (i) that a domestic corporation receives from a foreign corporation, corporation in the public intere...



...(Special Provisions on the Business Year for Vesting Expenses in Exchange for Share Options)  Article 54  (1)In the case where a domestic corporation receives the provision of services from an individual and has issued, as the consideration for the expenses for providing the serv...


(青色申告書を提出した事業年度の欠損金の繰越し) 第五十七条  確定申...他の被合併法人等。第一号において同じ。)との間に特定資本関係(いずれか一方の法人が他方の法人の発行済株式又は出資(当該他方の法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の百分の五十を超える数...

...(Carryover of Losses in a Business Year When a Blue Return Has Been Filed)  Article 57  (1)In the case where a domestic corporation that files a final return form shows any net operating loss that arose in a business year starting within seven years prior to the first day of each...


(特定株主等によつて支配された欠損等法人の資産の譲渡等損失額の損金不算入) 第六十条の三&...は第六十一条の十二第一項(連結納税への加入に伴う資産の時価評価損益)又は第六十二条の九第一項(非適格株式交換等に係る株式交換完全子法人等の有する資産の時価評価損益)の規定の適用を受ける場合には、当該適...

...(Exclusion from Deductible Expenses of the Net Operating Losses on the Transfer of Assets of a Corporation Showing a Loss That Is Controlled by a Specified Shareholder)  Article 60-3  (1)With regard to a corporation showing a loss, etc. as prescribed in Article 57-2, paragraph (1...


(有価証券の譲渡益又は譲渡損の益金又は損金算入) 第六十一条の二  内...にその譲渡をした有価証券の数を乗じて計算した金額をいう。)2内国法人が旧株(当該内国法人が有していた株式(出資を含む。以下この条において同じ。)をいう。)を発行した法人の合併(当該法人の株主等に合併法...

...(Inclusion of Capital Gains or Losses on Securities in Gross Profits or Deductible Expenses)  Article 61-2  (1)In the case where a domestic corporation has transferred any securities (excluding the case where the securities have been transferred to an acquiring corporation, succe...


(合併及び分割による資産等の時価による譲渡) 第六十二条  内国法人が...有しないものを除く。)は、当該合併法人から新株等(当該合併法人が当該合併により交付した当該合併法人の株式(出資を含む。以下この項及び次条において同じ。)その他の資産(第六十一条の二第三項(有価証券の譲...

...(Transfer of Assets at Fair Value as a Result of Merger and Company Split)  Article 62  (1)When a domestic corporation has transferred, as a result of a merger or company split, its assets and liabilities to an acquiring corporation or succeeding corporation in a company split, t...


...(適格事後設立による資産等の時価による譲渡と株式の帳簿価額修正益又は帳簿価額修正損の益金又は損金算入) 第六十二条の五  内国法人が適格事後設立により被事後設立法人にその有する資産の移転をし、又はこれと併せてその有する負債の移転をしたときは、当該移転による譲渡の日の属す...

...(Transfer of Assets at a Fair Value as a Result of a Qualified Post-Formation Contribution and Inclusion of Gains or Losses on the Book Value Adjustment of Shares in Gross Profits or Deductible Expenses)  Article 62-5  (1)When a domestic corporation has transferred its assets or ...


(特定資産に係る譲渡等損失額の損金不算入) 第六十二条の七  内国法人...は第六十一条の十二第一項(連結納税への加入に伴う資産の時価評価損益)又は第六十二条の九第一項(非適格株式交換等に係る株式交換完全子法人等の有する資産の時価評価損益)の規定の適用を受ける場合には、当該特...

...(Exclusion of Losses on the Transfer of Specified Assets from Deductible Expenses)  Article 62-7  (1)In the case where a specific qualified merger, etc. (meaning a qualified merger, qualified company split, or qualified contribution in kind that does not fall under the category s...


...(非適格株式交換等に係る株式交換完全子法人等の有する資産の時価評価損益) 第六十二条の九  内国法人が自己を株式交換完全子法人又は株式移転完全子法人とする株式交換又は株式移転(適格株式交換及び適格株式移転を除く。以下この項において「非適格株式交換等」という。)を行つた場...

...(Gains or Losses on the Fair Valuation of Assets Held by Wholly Owned Subsidiary Corporations in a share exchange Involved in Non-qualified Share Exchange)  Article 62-9  (1)In the case where a domestic corporation has effected a share exchange or share transfer (excluding a qual...


(長期割賦販売等に係る収益及び費用の帰属事業年度) 第六十三条  内国...度の所得の金額の計算上、益金の額及び損金の額に算入する。4前条第一項の内国法人が同項に規定する非適格株式交換等の日の属する事業年度(前項の規定の適用を受ける事業年度を除く。以下この項において「非適格株...

...(Business Year for Vesting Profits from and Expenses for Long-Term Installment Sales)  Article 63  (1)In the case where a domestic corporation has sold assets in a manner that falls under the category of long-term installment sales, etc. or transferred assets, has contracted for ...


(解散による清算所得の金額の計算) 第九十三条  内国普通法人等の解散...定に該当するものを除く。)がある場合には、次に掲げる金額の合計額イ第二十三条第一項に規定する連結法人株式等及び関係法人株式等のいずれにも該当しない株式等に係る当該配当等の額の合計額から清算中に支払つた...

...(Calculation of the Amount of Liquidation Income as a Result of Dissolution)  Article 93  (1)The amount of liquidation income of a domestic ordinary corporation, etc. as a result of dissolution is to be the amount that remains after deducting, from the value of its residual prope...


(同族会社等の行為又は計算の否認) 第百三十二条  税務署長は、次に掲...人として事業を営んでいた事実があること。ハロに規定する事実がある事業所の所長等の有するその内国法人の株式又は出資の数又は金額の合計額がその内国法人の発行済株式又は出資(その内国法人が有する自己の株式又...

...(Rejection of Acts or Calculations by Family Companies)  Article 132  (1)In the case where the district director of the tax office makes a reassessment or determination with regard to corporation tax related to a corporation listed as follows, when it is found that any acts condu...


(国内において行なう事業から生ずる所得) 第百七十六条  国内及び国外...有する第百八十八条第七項(外国法人の国内源泉所得に係る所得の金額の計算)に規定する国内事業管理親法人株式につき同条第二項各号に掲げる行為を行つた場合には、その行為は、第三項第二号に掲げる行為に含まれな...

...(Income from Business Conducted in Japan)  Article 176  (1)In the case of a corporation that conducts a business consisting of operations both in and outside Japan, the income listed in each of the following items for the case listed in the relevant item is treated as the corpora...


(恒久的施設を有しない外国法人の課税所得) 第百八十七条  法第百四十...sp; 国内にある山林の伐採又は譲渡による所得三  内国法人の発行する株式(株主となる権利、株式の割当てを受ける権利、新株予約権及び新株予約権の割当てを受ける権利を含む。...

...(Taxable Income of Foreign Corporations without a Permanent Establishment)  Article 187  (1)The domestic source income specified by Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 141, item (iv) (Tax Base for a Foreign Corporation's Corporation Tax) of the Act is to be the income listed as f...


...(不動産関連法人の上場株式に類するものの範囲) 第六十条の三  令第百八十七条第九項第一号(恒久的施設を有しない外国法人の課税所得)に規定する金融商品取引所に上場されている株式又は出資に類するものとして財務省令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。一 &nbs...

...(Scope of Shares Similar to Real Estate-Related Corporations' Listed Shares)  Article 60-3  Shares specified by Ministry of Finance Order as being similar to shares or capital contributions listed on a financial instruments exchange, prescribed in Article 187, paragraph (9), item...


(公共法人等及び公益信託等に係る非課税) 第十一条  別表第一に掲げる...い。2公益信託ニ関スル法律(大正十一年法律第六十二号)第一条(公益信託)に規定する公益信託又は社債、株式等の振替に関する法律第二条第十一項(定義)に規定する加入者保護信託の信託財産につき生ずる所得(公...

...(Nontaxability of Public Corporations and Charitable Trusts)  Article 11  (1)Income taxes are not imposed on interest and similar income, dividends and similar income, compensation for periodic deposits, finance charges, profits, margin profits, and distributions of proceeds set ...


...利子所得) 第二十三条  利子所得とは、公社債及び預貯金の利子(社債、株式等の振替に関する法律第九十条第三項(定義)に規定する分離利息振替国債(財務省令で定めるところによ...

...(Interest Income)  Article 23  (1)Interest income means income from interest on Public and Corporate Bonds and Deposits and Savings (other than coupon-only book-entry government bonds as prescribed in Article 90, paragraph (3) (Definitions) of the Act on the Book-Entry Transfer o...


(配当等とみなす金額) 第二十五条  法人(法人税法第二条第六号(定義...資本金等の額又は同条第十七号の二に規定する連結個別資本金等の額のうちその交付の基因となつた当該法人の株式又は出資に対応する部分の金額を超えるときは、この法律の規定の適用については、その超える部分の金額...

...(Amounts Deemed to Constitute Dividends)  Article 25  (1)If monies or any other assets are issued to the Shareholder, Member, or Other Investor in a corporation (other than a corporation in the public interest, etc. as prescribed in Article 2, item (vi) (Definitions) of the Corpo...


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